Hiking and Trail running

From the highest peaks to the trails in the lower valleys, via the shores of the mountain lakes : nature has fashioned a magnificent terrain that must be discovered. The Louron Valley possesses a breathtaking natural setting perfect for those who enjoy long hikes or an occasional walk. Nature lovers can discover the many marked trails that crisscross the mountain and the valley or enjoy a guided hike with a mountain professional.

BEWARE : Check the accessibility of the trails during winter, some may be impassable or dangerous. Information available from mountain professionals or the tourist office.


Explore our marked and adapted hiking trails for all levels For a long time unexplored, the Louron mountains have revealed all their secrets over time. The most trained have a lot to do to reach the ridges, climb the peaks among the highest in the chain and discover glacial lakes. Reward efforts… the 360° view of the Pyrenees.  
The Louron Trail
Du 09/08/2024 au 10/08/2024